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Just Pop JUST Egg Into Your Toaster

    Just imagine popping an egg in a toaster and making a sandwich with it. Imagine that egg is also plant-based. Well, it is reality JUST Egg is exactly that.

    Wendy’s Spicy Black Bean Burger

      Wendy’s burger Spicy Black Bean Burger is made with black beans, carrots, brown rice, red and green bell peppers, wheatberries, corn, and a blend of spices.

      Vietnamese Iced Coffee Popsicles

        Vietnamese iced coffee popsicles should quench your thirst and cool you down a bit. These will be very popular with your coffee-drinker friends.

        Little Caesars Fun Facts

          As a baseball player, Mike Ilitch the founder of Little Caesars used to scout pizza joints in the 50s when he traveled from town to town.

          The Sour Origin of Pink Lemonade

            In the Ways Of The Circus: Being The Memories And Adventures Of George Conklin, Tamer Of Lions by Harvey W. Root pink lemonade is mentions for the first time.

            Modern Pizza

              According to Ripley’s Believe It or Not, modern pizza didn’t exist until around 1760, when fresh tomatoes first arrived in Naples, Italy.

              Salt Licorice Ice Cream

                If you are in Finland or Sweden you got to try a local favorite, salt licorice ice cream. Ice cream comes in many forms: scoops, soft serve, and ice cream bars.

                DiGiorno Creates Pizza Donut Mashup: DiGiornuts

                  Brilliant or blasphemous? DiGiornuts is a combination of doughnut with pizza topping by DiGiorno. Each DiGiornut is filled with mozzarella cheese and topped with signature DiGiorno sauce, along with even more cheese and toppings. Move over cronut!