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fast food

Did you Know That McDonald’s Fries Have 19 Ingredients?

    Isn’t it astonishing? When you examine the ingredients in a North American McDonald’s French fry, you’ll discover a total of 19 ingredients! However, the situation is quite different in Europe, where you’ll find only four ingredients.

    Fast food chains that failed outside the U.S.

      The most successful and beloved fast-food chains can encounter unexpected roadblocks when venturing beyond their home borders. Domino’s failed in Italy, Taco Bell failed in Mexico, and no Wendy’s in Europe.

      Oreo-flavored fried chicken and fries coming to Chicken Shop

        The Chicken Shop Oreo-based limited-edition menu will be exclusively offered at select Chicken Shop branches, making this culinary experience all the more special. You’ll have the opportunity to savor these delectable dishes for just three unforgettable days.