In anticipation of the July 26 release of Deadpool & Wolverine, star Ryan Reynolds took to social media to share a video showcasing an unusual Wolverine-themed popcorn bucket. Accompanying the video, Reynolds quipped, “Years from now they will look back at 2024 as when the War of the Popcorn began.”
The bucket features the phrase “Designed by Deadpool” scrawled in red, adding to its unique flair. However, details regarding which cinema chains will offer this exclusive item or its pricing remain undisclosed.
Marvel Studios chief Kevin Feige announced at CinemaCon that Deadpool & Wolverine would indeed have a special popcorn bucket, which he described as “intentionally crude and lewd.” Reynolds hinted at this playful rivalry by saying, “Wait till you see the Deadpool popcorn bucket.” This promotion appears to be a cheeky response to the viral popularity of the sandworm popcorn bucket from Dune: Part Two.