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The ritual of watermelons knocking at grocery stores gets an app

      In the aisles of grocery stores, you may have observed people employing a peculiar ritual – knocking on watermelons. This method, though seemingly unconventional, is a widely accepted means of gauging the freshness and ripeness of this beloved fruit. When you give a watermelon a gentle tap, you’re essentially listening for a specific auditory cue. If the watermelon produces a resonant, hollow sound, it’s a clear signal that it’s ripe and ready for consumption. However, should your knock yield a full, dull thud, it’s an indicator that the watermelon is not yet at its prime, and you should wait a little longer before indulging.

      To put it differently, when performing the watermelon tapping test, you’re aiming for a particular tone – a deep and melodious tenor-like note that falls neither too low nor too high on the musical scale but hits a sweet spot. Beyond its whimsical charm, this method holds genuine merit in assessing watermelon ripeness.

      Yet, it’s important to acknowledge that not everyone is a fan of this age-old tradition. Some grocery stores and vendors express reservations about customers vigorously knocking and tapping their fruits. Their concerns primarily revolve around the possibility of bruising the delicate watermelon skin. Additionally, the act of thumping and prodding fruits can appear rather unusual to onlookers. As a result, there’s a subtle plea from some quarters to leave the melons be and adopt less intrusive ways of evaluating their ripeness.

      Enter “Ting Xi Gua,” an innovative mobile application that translates to “Listen to the Watermelon.” This clever app revolutionizes the watermelon selection process. It uses the microphone on your smartphone to detect and record the sound produced when you tap on a watermelon. The app then employs advanced algorithms to analyze this sound and, based on its acoustic characteristics, determines the watermelon’s level of ripeness. This ingenious solution not only alleviates concerns about bruising but also brings a touch of modern technology to the age-old art of selecting the perfect watermelon.

      So, this summer, if you’re on a quest to serve the most delectable watermelon, you no longer need to rely solely on your auditory discernment. With “Ting Xi Gua” at your fingertips, you can trust that your watermelon will sing with just the right notes of ripeness, ensuring a delightful and juicy treat for all.

      The App, now working as your ear and brain, will pick up the sound, analyze it, and decide if the watermelon is ripe enough.

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